Friday 2 January 2004

Sonu Shamdasani conducts: Jung in History. Inner Circle Seminar 75 (29 February 2004)

Sonu Shamdasani
Jung in History
The Formation of Modern Psychology and Psychotherapy

Sonu Shamdasani
Inner Circle Seminar No. 75
introduced by
Anthony Stadlen
Sunday 29 February 2004
10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Dr Sonu Shamdasani is the world’s leading Jung historian. His revelatory new book, Jung and the Making of Modern Psychology: The Dream of a Science (2003), shows that Jung’s work, original as it is, is part of a historical confluence of movements stemming from the efforts of a number of workers at the end of the nineteenth century to establish two new disciplines: a scientific psychology independent of metaphysics, theology, biology, anthropology, literature, medicine and neurology; and a rational psychotherapy developing out of hypnosis and suggestion. In this seminar, Dr Shamdasani examines the implications of his findings for psychotherapy today, and invites participants to discuss how their own work continues the interlacing traditions to which Jung contributed.

Venue: Room A, Acland Building, Regent’s College, London NW1 4NS

Cost: Students £64, others £80, some bursaries, in advance
Apply to: Anthony Stadlen, 64 Dartmouth Park Road, London NW5 1SN
Tel: +44 (0)20 7485 3896 E-mail:

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